A Winter Gift of Song

This CD is a collection of live recordings from past holiday concerts.
Produced by the Arizona Women’s Chorus, Tucson, AZ
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1. Chapua Kali Desemba – John Parker (words) David Lantz III (music) / ©2007 Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. (solo: Justin Raffa)
2. Celebrate Kwanzaa – Marti Lunn Lantz and Lois Brownsey / ©1998 Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. (narrative: Kim Avery)
3. A Nativity Carol – Linda Spevacek / ©1992 Hal Leonard Corporation
4. Dormi Jesu – Jonathan D. Green / ©2000 Treble Clef Music Press
5. Hanukkah Dance – David Stocker / ©1980 Jenson Publications
6. The Glowing Mennorah, arr. Terrie Ashbaugh (not published)
7. Artsa Alinu – Nina Gilbert / ©2000 Treble Clef Music
8. Sleigh Bells, Ukranian Folk Tune, arr. Earlene Rentz / ©2000 Studio 224, this edition © 2007 Studio 224
9. Kling, Glöckchen, Kling! – Robert Sieving / ©1997 Santa Barbara Music Publishing
10. All Through the Night, Welsh Folk Song, Arr. Ruth Elain Schram / ©1994 Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.
11. Suo Gân – Thomas Edward Morgan / ©1994 Treble Clef Music Press
12. Cantique de Noel – Adolphe Adam, arr. Michael Levi / ©1994/1997 BriLee Music
13. Un Flambeau, Jeanette Isabelle, Provençal Carol, arr. Nancy Telfer / ©1991 Kjos Music Co.
14. A La Nanita Nana, traditional Spanish carol, English translation Sherri Porterfield, arr. Terrie Ashbaugh / ©1996 Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.
15. Fum, Fum, Fum, arr. Kirke Mecham / ©E.C. Schirmer Music Co., div. of ECS Publishing
16. We Wish You a Merry Christmas, arr. Walter Ehret / ©1977 Plymouth Music Co., Inc., ©2001 Colle Voce Music, Inc.